1. Login & register for an account at Botcake

Enter the website https://botcake.io/ and login with your Facebook account.

After login, in Botcake Dashboard, click "Connect" button

Select "WhatsApp" and click "Connect"

Complete the Embedded Signup process from Meta:

Select your Meta Business (BM) account. If there is no BM account yet, please select the first option and create a new account from here.

Fill in all the required information. This information must match your Business' official legal documents. After that, click Next to proceed.

Fill in all the required information.

  • WhatsApp Business Account name can be different from your business' legal name.

  • WhatsApp Business profile display name can be different from your business' legal name and WABA name as well.

You can fill in the new phone number that has been set up into the "Business Phone Number" field.

Select the phone number that you want to use as the WhatsApp API in the list below, then choose a verification method (highly recommended choose the SMS method). Enter the otp received on the number and proceed.

If successful, you can immediately start sending messages to your customers WITHOUT BUSINESS VERIFICATION. However, there are some provisions:

  • Total conversations you can send to subscribers: 50 conversations every 24 hours.

  • Total conversations initiated by subscribers to your WA API number: Unlimited.

Last updated